Coastal Classic: Cat 3 Safety Checklist
The Coastal Classic is 119 nautical miles long. It starts off Devonport Wharf in Auckland, and finishes off Russell Wharf in the Bay of Islands. Described as a drag race, it can be a sprint for the fastest boats who can finish in less than six hours, or a challenging marathon for the crew on boats that take more than 24 hours to reach Russell.
- Manual bilge pump operable with all seats and hatches closed. Handle on a lanyard: SKU (16526) Whale Titan Standard Manual Bilge Pump 1665GPH
- Four stout buckets of 9 litres or more on lanyards, named: (16158) Bucket 9L
- Tools adequate to disconnect or sever rigging including hacksaw with 10 blades, hammer and drift: (53805) Hacksaw Blades 24T
- Bosuns Chair (Light weight climbing helmet recommended): (40459) Bosuns Chair Premium
- Sail Repair Kit: (42462) Fosters Sail Repair Kit
- "TURN OFF GAS" sign easily visible near cooker: (21450) Sticker Turn Off Gas
- Emergency water in a separate container: (41823) Water Container 25L
- All heavy items including batteries must be securely installed: (21489) Battery Box Small, (21490) Battery Box Large, (21492) Battery Strap Set 135cm
- At least 2 fire extinguishers in service, if dry powder minimum weight of 4 kgs. Fire blanket near cooker: (27243) Fire Extinguisher Dry Chemical ABE 2.5kg, (27244) Fire Extinguisher Dry Chemical ABE 4.5kg, (28146) Fire Blanket 1m x 1m
- 150 Newton life jacket for each person with crotch strap, light and pealess whistle as well as service records: (35962) Crewfit Inflatable Lifejacket Manual Harness 165N, (35814) Crewfit Inflatable Lifejacket Auto Harness 165N, (34786) Baltic Inflatable Lifejacket Man/Harness 165N, (34788) Baltic Inflatable Lifejacket Auto/Harness 165N, (33491) Lifejacket Light LED automatic+manual, (37716) Crotch Strap for Inflatable Lifejacket, (89765) Lifejacket Safety Whistle
- Double clipped safety tether for each crew: (39941) Spinlock Performance 2 Clip Tether, (39831) Spinlock Performance 3 Clip Tether
- Lifebuoy with drogue, pealess whistle and self-igniting light: (m32313) Ultra Horseshoe Lifebuoy Yellow/Red/White, (21821) Drogue Lifebuoy Drogue, (36906) Plastimo L170 Lifebuoy Light LED, (42310) Plastimo Sirius Lifebuoy Light LED, (20588) Plastimo Lifebuoy Light
- Heaving line: (35691) Rescue Throw Rope 20m
- 2x Emergency knives (one in the cockpit): (35045) Gill Personal Rescue Knife
- Jackstays of 2000 kg breaking strain fitted: (30756) Baltic Adjustable Jackstay 12m
- Grab bag (see YNZ safety requirements): (40501) Hutchwilco Safety Grab Bag Large
- First Aid Kit (Cat 3) with manual: (27324) Platinum Coastal First Aid Kit, (42925) Platinum Offshore First Aid Kit
- EPIRB, registered with Maritime New Zealand: (34459) GME MT600G EPIRB with GPS
- Flares: (30104) Comet Flare Pack YNZ Cat 3 4 5, (13847) Comet Parachute Flare (optional)
- 2 Waterproof flashlights. Recommend crew have their own head torches with red option: (27863) Dolphin MK7 LED Torch, (41510) LED Floating Spotlight 1000 Lumen, (40023) Aurora 250 Headlamp, (38753) Trek 160 Headlamp
- Compass: 1 installed, 1 hand bearing, check light. Deviation chart: (15547) Plastimo Iris 50 Hand Bearing Compass, (42171) Plastimo Iris 100 Hand Bearing Compass, Various fixed mounted compasses can be found here: Compasses
- Navigation lights (working) and emergency nav lights with batteries, bulbs, etc (see YNZ regulations): Various Navigational & Safety Lights , (35858) LED Emergency Navigation Lights
- Fog horn: (11754) Plastic Fog Horn Plastic, (21494) Large Air Horn w/Canister
- Soft wood plugs attached or adjacent to all skin fittings below the waterline: (00689) Plastimo Wooden Bung Set
- Charts and navigation equipment: Various Charting & Navigation
- Mounted GPS: Various GPS / Chartplotter options
- Depth sounder: Various Depth Sounder options
- Log or GPS with independent power supply: Various Handheld GPS options
- 2x appropriate anchors of compliant sizes with ground tackle: Various anchor options here: Anchors
- 1 VHF installed and 1 handheld waterproof VHF. Tested. Radio operators’ certificate (MROC): Various Fixed VHF options, Various Handheld VHF options
- Adequate tools: Various items
- Radio Call sign displayed: N/A
- Safety equipment location diagram of yacht: N/A but can be found here: Safety equipment location diagram of yacht
- Engine spares (filters, impellors, belts): N/A
- One heavy weather jib of 70%. A single furling headsail does not suffice: N/A
- Mainsail with reefing points able to reduce luff by a minimum of 50%: N/A
- Yachts name on all life jackets and lifebuoys: N/A
- Adequate water for each crew member: N/A
- Emergency Steering and alternative method. Spare tiller, spare steering cables: N/A
- Hatches and washboards must be secured. Cabin latch must be able to be accessed from above & below: N/A
- Crew Briefing Checklist: N/A but can be found here: Crew briefing checklist
- Documentation - relevant service certificates, beacon registration, MROC: N/A

Good luck to all teams competing in this prestigious race. Have fun, sail hard and most importantly, stay safe.
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