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Can you replace the batteries after 10 years?
Question by: Mark Woods on 5/11/2021, 7:22 am
Hi Mark and thanks for your enquiry
The batteries can be replaced but must be done by the manufacturer or their agent and a full service must also be completed to ensure full ongoing compliance - all of which may cost a similar price to a full replacement unit.
Burnsco Webstore
The batteries can be replaced but must be done by the manufacturer or their agent and a full service must also be completed to ensure full ongoing compliance - all of which may cost a similar price to a full replacement unit.
Burnsco Webstore
Answer by: Website Customer Service (GC) on 5/11/2021, 9:36 am
Q Spoke to nz agent and as battery had expired for several years they said all i could do was buy a new unit . Not as simple as i would have thought
Burnsco Answer. If the unit is several years after expiry it may not be feasible or economically viable to replace batteries and service unit.
Burnsco Answer. If the unit is several years after expiry it may not be feasible or economically viable to replace batteries and service unit.
Answer by: Greg on 19/05/2022, 6:55 pm
Answer The Question
Comparison MT 600 Vs MT 603, it would seem that the main difference seems to be "Automatic" activation only. Are there any other features to consider?
Question by: Sean Hanlon on 10/11/2021, 6:06 pm
Hi Sean and thanks for your enquiry
Both units can be manually or automitcally activated, but the other major difference is that the MT600G has a 10 year battery life vs the MT603 with 6 year battery life.
Burnsco Webstore
Both units can be manually or automitcally activated, but the other major difference is that the MT600G has a 10 year battery life vs the MT603 with 6 year battery life.
Burnsco Webstore
Answer by: Website Customer Service (GC) on 11/11/2021, 8:51 am
Answer The Question
Is there a clip on these units to be able to clip on my life jacket? I witnessed a accident recently when a jetboat sank and having a beacon fixed in the boat is not a good idea in a jetboat. Luckly we had one in our boat which we where able to set off
Question by: Peter Calder on 21/12/2021, 1:35 pm
Hi Peter and thanks for your enquiry
Theres no clip, but it has a thin but strong cord wrapped around it with a loop at the end that you could use to secure it to your life jacket. Perhaps have a look at PLB's which are smaller - 34350 has a wrist strap that could attach to your lifejacket also.
Burnsco Webstore
Theres no clip, but it has a thin but strong cord wrapped around it with a loop at the end that you could use to secure it to your life jacket. Perhaps have a look at PLB's which are smaller - 34350 has a wrist strap that could attach to your lifejacket also.
Burnsco Webstore
Answer by: Website Customer Service (GC) on 21/12/2021, 1:56 pm